Our products
For a healthy nutrition

We are living in revolutionary times
Particularly in the compound feed industry, where legislation has made it necessary to use effective products to solve the physiological, respiratory and health problems that are so common in livestock farming in general.
Thanks to this challenge, many new and different products have been developed that are so useful for proper nutrition; there have also been new nutritional concepts based on healthy microbiota that make it possible to raise healthy animals on a large scale, with functioning immunity.
We have therefore developed the following range of products:
I. Premixes and normal concentrates of vitamins, trace elements and minerals (possibly including proteins, fats, etc.);
II. Food Complements or Nutritional Complements, which support and sustain animal health.
For more details on our products, please consult the list of animal species.

Parque Industrial II – Neiva
© 2023 Premix Portugal